Best non- fictional books
Reading has proven to be the best stress booster as it engages the mind by distracting it from other thoughts which cause hindrance to the mind of an individual. Reading a fictional novel/ book transports the mind to the land of fantasy whereas reading a non-fictional book could state facts about reality, thus enlightening the mind of an individual.
Non- fictional books mostly highlight the working of the mind/ the subconscious and how one can get their thoughts under control.
Non- fictional books can be described as a one-to-one interaction with the reader. Not only does a fictional book make one think outside the box but it also enables one to think and invent new ideas.
A fictional book consists of subjects that are very practical while a non-fictional book consists of subjective matter which allows one to have genuine arguments, re-assess and evaluate certain life situations. It helps one to have a mental assignment and analyze the problematic areas, thus allowing one to have mental relaxation.
Reading non-fictional helps in understanding reality, learn by understanding the facts of a human body, and provokes one’s mind toward accepting the truths of life.
One of the best-read non-fictional books and an overview of their subject are stated below-
1) “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho
– This book highlights the thought that fear in the mind of an individual is the biggest obstacle than the obstacle itself.
– Do not be concerned and bother about what others think of you.
– Embrace the present and always take action when required without the thought of being fearful.
– The most important secret of life is that no matter how many times you fall due to mistakes, always stand firm and never give up.
– Be grateful for each day in your life.
– Persistence is the key to have a successful life.
– An individual is capable of everything and anything in life.
– It’s more about one’s journey than the destination. All these features make it, one of the best non-fictional books.
2) “How to win friends an influence people” by Dale Carnegie
This non-fictional book brings to light the very truths of how the world functions as a whole
– Speak more about the interests of others as compared to yourself.
– Smile is the key to enlighten one’s mood and day.
– Make people feel their worth.
– Be grateful for the small things.
– Create a sense of interest in the topics spoken by those around you.
– Do not criticize or shun people down, rather, respect them for their opinions.
– Do not blame or complain if their suggestions/opinions/advice lead to your downfall because at the end it is our stand/ decision on the particular situation.
– Always learn to recognize the effort and contribution of another being.
– Take other’s points of view into consideration.
– Have a positive and constructive competition.
– Being a leader would include accepting the honest opinions of people.
– As a leader, prepare others to the path of leadership. That’s why it has become one of the best-selling non-fictional books
3) Think like a Monk by Jay Shetty
Another interesting book which highlights the concepts of thoughts, relationship, negativity thus helping one to understand the areas of flaws by removing the weeds which lead to further destruction. This non-fictional book further highlights the following areas of one’s life –
– Various ways to listen to the thought process of one’s mind.
– Inculcating the thought of gratefulness in one’s life.
– The universe has no plans of peace, but instead one has to focus on how to react to a situation and commit one’s mind and soul in the achievement of their task.
– When failure comes your way do not judge the process, instead give yourself enough time to recover from the failure and try to set your focus back.
– Our life is compared to various dance forms, in the sense we should be open to whatever song comes on.
– Having the mindset of a monk would mean that one’s thinking is controlled and flexible, a mind which is always living for the present instead of focusing on the past or the future.
– Meditation is a key aspect that helps to have the best control over one’s mind. While meditating, the breath is connected to our mind which helps us find answers.
– To find answers one has train their mind to analyze the situation, question the thoughts, and detach from false illusions and beliefs.
These are a few examples of a non-fictional book that helps us to look into the realities of life and aid in living a better and healthier life.