Particulate pollution is environmental pollution consisting of particles suspended in a certain
environment. There are three main types: atmospheric particles, marine debris, and space

Causes of particulates pollution
Volcanoes – Erupting volcanoes release large amounts of particles into the atmosphere,
including volcanic ash and gasses, volcanic eruptions have been directly linked to climate
change since research began
Dust Storms – Strong winds can raise huge dust clouds which in turn spread
Forest and grass fires – smoke of wood and grass contains a complex mixture of particles such
as carbon monoxide and cyanide that rise into the air and settle in the atmosphere
Living vegetation – Vegetation that emits particles such as isoprene, methanol and spores into
the air. Wind can carry these particles upward and increase the number of particles in the
atmosphere. Strong ocean currents can blow these dangerous particles into the air.
Tornadoes and Hurricanes – These powerful weather systems can pick up large amounts of
stagnant dust and pollution from rural areas, not to mention when they pass through cities and
encounter cement dust and overhead. levels of common pollutants.
The size of particles is directly related to their potential to cause health problems. Small
particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter cause the biggest problems because they can
get deep into the lungs and some can even enter the bloodstream.
Exposure to such particles can affect both the lungs and the heart. Many scientific studies have
linked exposure to particulate matter to a number of problems, including:
premature death in people with heart or lung disease
non-fatal heart attacks
irregular heart rhythms
worsening of asthma
decreased lung function
symptoms of respiratory irritation, coughing or difficulty breathing
People with heart or lung disease, children and older adults are most likely to be affected by
particulate matter.
AirNow helps you monitor the air quality near you and protect you and your family from
elevated particle concentrations.
Environmental Effects
Reduced Visibility
Fine particulate matter is a major cause of visibility (hazing) in parts of the United States,
including many valuable national parks and wilderness areas. Read more about visibility and
Environmental damage
Wind can carry particles long distances and then land on land or water. Depending on their
chemical composition, the consequences of this deposition can be:
acidification of lakes and streams
changing the balance of nutrients in coastal waters and large bodies of water
consumption of soil nutrients
damage to sensitive forests and crops
damage to ecosystems the effects of acid rain.
Material Damage
Particulate pollution can stain and damage stones and other materials, including culturally
significant objects such as statues and monuments. Some of these effects are related to the
effects of acid rain on materials.
Exposure to particles of all sizes and compositions can occur acutely over short periods of time
or chronically over long periods of time. Exposure to particulate matter has been associated
with adverse respiratory symptoms ranging from respiratory irritation, asthma exacerbations,
coughing and difficulty breathing to acute exposure to symptoms such as irregular heartbeat,
lung cancer, kidney disease, chronic bronchitis and premature death in people with pre-existing
cardiovascular disease or lung disease due to chronic exposure.
The severity of health
effects generally depends on the size of the particles and the health of the exposed person;
elderly adults, children, pregnant women and immunocompromised populations are at risk of
adverse health effects. Short-term exposure to particulate emissions has been linked to
negative health effects.
Due to the health effects of particulate matter, maximum standards have been established by
several governments, but these are often violated in urban areas of almost all countries. Many
developing countries, especially in Asia, exceed the standards to such an extent that even
short visits to these places can be unhealthy.
Solution to particulates pollution
Follow gasoline fuel instructions to ensure effective vapor recovery, be careful not to spill fuel,
and always tighten the gas cap properly.
If possible, consider purchasing portable fuel tanks that are labeled “spill proof.”
Keep your car, boat and other engines properly tuned.
Make sure your tire is properly inflated.
Use environmentally friendly paints and cleaning agents whenever possible.
Leaves or compost and garden waste.
Consider using gas logs instead of wood.
Choose a cleaner commute – carpool to work or use public transport.
Connecting things and reducing travel. Walk to things if possible.
Avoid idling your car too much.
Fill up the car in the evening when it’s cooler.
Save electricity and adjust air conditioners to at least 78 degrees.
Delay lawn and garden work with gasoline equipment or wait until evening.