Maths need 3 things: Concepts, Formula and Logic
Maths, you can master by following these 3 steps
Step 1: Concept:

Concept is something which creates clear picture of a thought in our mind, yes, if we have clear concepts about anything, then while solving, our mind can create its clear image.
This process enhances the ability to understand the accurate nature of problems and we could imagine the complete the scene behind a problem and this helps in developing creativity.
Creativity develops after the imagination power. Base for creativity and imagination is clear concepts.
How to develop concepts?
In maths, we deal with problems of day-to-day life. While you learn anything, ask the question yourself ‘What?’, ‘How?’ and ‘why?’. Let’s understand this with few examples (The following examples are from lower level to higher level)
Example 1: The concept of multiplication:
When we add a group of things repeatedly, I mean if we have to add huge number of objects, then we group them and then we count, number of groups, so here we use the concepts of addition and counting in group i.e. based on addition. So multiplication (an important concept in Maths) is nothing but it is one kind of addition. Yes, tables (multiplication tables are necessary that is help for counting in steps or counting in group).
So one concept is related to other concept. The concepts in maths are correlated with each other.
Example 2: The concept of Euclidean Geometry is based on nature and the objects, we observe around us . Line, Ray and Parallel lines can you imagine the objects which are related to these concepts.
Sun rays: Sun rays resembles to the concept of Ray (in Maths), why? As a ray has a start or beginning point (origin) but no end point, same way light originates from sun and travel in straight line.
Example 3: The concept of limit, differentiation and integration, we have studied in college but how much, we could relate these concepts with our day to day life.
Differentiation: It is a rate quantity; we find the rate of change of a quantity. The rate of change of displacement with respect to time is velocity and the rate of change of velocity with respect to time is acceleration, so not only in Maths but in entire universe, every object is inter-connected with each other.
How to develop the concepts?
By observation, imagination and by practical activities. Observe .Observe. Observe. Many inventions and researches were done by observation. Take your child to into the lap of nature. Let him observe. Let him touch the things of nature. Let him feel the maths of nature .
Step 2: Formulation
This is the second step of learning maths, you should see that how formulas are formed. Formulas are formed by repeated calculations and then some rules are set, which hold true for all data on the same type of calculations. That’s it.
Formulas save time to solve the sums, so if you want to master it, you must know how to remember formulas. There are different tricks to remember the formulas that you should only develop. Because trick of other persons may not be handy to you, so you should develop your own tricks to learn.
Step: 3 Logic
Logic is the key to success in maths. Exactly, which formula you should apply? What is the logic behind that formula? This you come to know by logical thinking, i.e. reasoning. If you can reason, why the particular formula is applicable for a particular sum, then you can master these subjects.
So, the three steps to learn maths is: Concepts, Formula, and Logic, and these three steps are interconnected to each other.