Unit 4 Geometric Ways of Looking at Space and Shapes
4.1 Geometry: Meaning and Importance
- How will you explain ‘Types of Triangles’ to students using activity? (3+2=5) (2016)
- How will you develop the concept and formula of T.S.A of cuboid through activity? (2.5+2.5=5) (2016)
- How will you develop the formulae of total surface area & volume of cylinder? Explain with the help of suitable activity. (5+5=10) (2017)
- What is cuboid? How will you develop the concept of ‘surface area and volume’ of a cuboid with the help of appropriate activity? (2+4+4=10) (2019)
- What is cuboid? Draw a cuboid and write the name of its faces, edges and vertices to validate the Euler Formula E+2=F+V. Write an application activity to develop the concept of surface area and volume of cuboid? (1.5+1.5+7=10) (2022)
4.2 Congruency and Similarity
- What is the difference between Congruency and Similarity? How will you teach the ‘Congruence of Triangles’ to students with the help of activity at Elementary level? (3+7=10) (2017)
- What is similarity? How is it different from congruency? How will you teach congruency? How will you teach the “Congruence of Triangles” to students? Explain with suitable activity. (2+8=10) (2019)
- How will you differentiate between congruency and similarity? Write the condition of similarity of 3 geometrical figures?
4.3 Transformations and Geometric Shapes
4.4 Measurement and Geometric Shapes
4.5 Construction of Geometrical Shapes using Geometrical Equipments
- How will you develop the skill to draw the angle of measure 45° with the help of compass and ruler, among students at elementary level? (5) (2017)
- How will you teach the construction of triangle using scale and compass to students of class 7? Explain using examples. (10) (2018)
- How will you develop the skill to construct the angles of measure 30° and 45° with the help of ruler and compass among the students? (2.5+2.5=5) (2019)