Very first thing, inform your kids, why they should get up early in the morning. Create inspiring stories to inspire them. Share the stories of successful people and inform them that they all could become highly successful because they had a habit of getting up early in the morning.
- Create happy atmosphere at home . Let all family members get up early in the morning.
2. If entire family will get up in the morning , they will also feel to wake up early in the morning.
3.Take electronic gadgets from them when they go to bed for sleeping .
4. Don’t watch movies at night .
5. Make them sleep early.
6.Develop a routine .
If they get up early in the morning, 100%, they will feel sleepy at night.
Make them complete their work (homework or assignment) before dinner. Before their dinner, they should revise what they learned in a full day. They should have time to play.
After dinner ,mostly children feel drowsy.
After dinner ,they (children ) should set their next day schedule. Feel fresh . Watch 15 to 30 minutes some serials or play . They should relax .
Yes, make your kids maintain a mini diary right from childhood.
Please watch this one minute video for more information .