Create a Quiz assignment in Microsoft Teams App using Microsoft Forms Quiz
If you want to learn how to create a quiz assignment in the Microsoft teams app, using Microsoft forms Quiz the following are the steps with appropriate screenshots. If you find difficulty feel free to contact me at
- Click on Office App

2. Then at the bottom bar you will see tabs like : activity, chat, Teams,Assignment,Calendar,More, then click on Assignment.

3. Then Choose Class option will come, after choosing class, click on Next.

4. Then at Top , you will see + sign , click there

5. Then at the bottom on the same page, you will see +New assignment, New Quiz, From existing. Choose New Quiz (because I assume that no quiz exits in advance )

6. Then after the following window will appear, here you can choose Quiz form (which already exists like environment protection or 1.1 Bridge ), I assume that no quiz exists then, we click on +New Form.

7. Forms (It is Microsoft Forms, same as Google Forms, but it is Microsoft ) will appear where we have the option to create New Quiz.

8. Thereafter you will see untitled quiz , click on it

9. After adding a title ( e.g ‘How to Create Quiz Assignment ‘.), you can add description below; e.g as it is compulsory to attempt.

10. You can customize your quiz form by adding some suitable image to it in the header , exactly to the right of Title Click.

11. Then the following window will appear, you can search by Bing Search engine or upload from your device.

12. I have customized the title page by adding Logo of Teams (i.e I searched in Bing Search engine ) and then Quiz form looks as below :

13. Now you should click on +Add

14. Then several options will come to create questions, we will see one by one,

15. Then you can create question and you will following window .

16. see below I have asked one question and gave options and Marks in front of points.

17. We should mark the correct answer to the left side by clicking in front of the correct option then marks will be added automatically if any student answer correctly.

18. After clicking to the left of right answer , it will look like below:

19. To create new questions one should click on + Add

20. I have created only one question (i.e is of 1 marks so in the title it shows 1 point, if we create more questions or give more points(marks ), it will appear in the title .
We can change the theme of quiz form by clicking paintbrush option in the right top . Please see below ;

21. By clicking theme option , we get following theme options .

22. I have changed the theme ;

23. Now my one quiz form is ready, I want to view how it will look to my students. So I should click on view option :

24, So the Quiz form is ready , now Let’s see student’s view :

25. If a student will click on any one option then after
- clicking submit
- Thank you message comes
- View result (option will appear and students can immediately see their result )
- One important thing to remember is that only one attempt is allowed per candidate.
26. Now we have created a quiz ,
27. To add this quiz into an assignment we need to follow step 3 through 5 and in 6th step we see that our created quiz exists so we select from there this time; we don’t select a new form

28. The moment you click Next in the above window, you will see that your quiz assignment ready to assign the entire class (Channel or Team )or to a particular student.

29. We set a due date, we can set who should attempt and who should not, we customize our quiz assignment, we can set a notification if anyone attempts the quiz we get, owner of the team (teacher ) will get notifications.

30. Now we click on Assign ,

31. We see that our assignment is ready for students then after clicking on Assign we see following window ( our new quiz assignment is available under the assignment tab which is of 1 marks :

32. When students will click on the above assignment, then it will look as below :


34. Then student will see the quiz form we have created for them .

35. Teachers can view by teacher’s view (this option appears when we click on view option at the right topmost corner(three dots ) of the Quiz form.

Important Note: For the best functioning of Teams App, it will be better if you have following apps in your mobile and you should have registered in all these apps with same email id (or Microsoft account ) :
- Office
- OneDrive
- OneNote
- SharePoint
- Teams

You can start making quiz on Microsoft Forms
Microsoft Forms Maths Quiz Tutorial
Video tutorial for Microsoft Teams Quiz
If You Can Teach Discipline To Your Kids
(If you face any problem while using ‘Teams’ feel free to email me, (I will reply within 24 hours).
You may like to know :
- Is Microsoft forms quiz free ?
Ans: Yes , it is free .
2. Can it stop copying the answers or can it monitor copying ?
Ans: No, it cannot monitor copying or cheating done by the students .
(Any more question, please email me, it’s my pleasure to reply.)